Hi my name is Tina, I live on a small Island off the west coast of Scotland, all the pretty things I make are made in the spare room of my home, no two things are ever the same (unless of course you would like them to be) please take a look, if you would like to order anything please email me on theislandstitch@gmail.com thanks for looking :)
Please leave any comments!
All items are made from Tweed and lined with beautiful cottons.
Everything comes in different colours and designs.
New look ipod holders can also be custom made for any size mobile phone!
I have a new colour to add to any item....black tartan.
Wow its been THAT long!! Time to update I think... where to start
I no longer live on a small Island and have been really busy working but still love sewing and often make pretty things as gifts for my friends and family...I have had a big number of requests just lately and it reminded me just how much I love 'making things' Santa sacks for my nephew Wilson and a beautiful blanket for my good friends little boy Freddie, all made in patchwork from his first clothes.
Apologies to those who have been on here and text or rang me, I am sure it would have helped if I had updated my contact number...sorry :)
Keep looking as I will be updating soon...